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Volume 2 Technical Submittal SEI Final Submission-1.jpg
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STATUS: In Progress
CLIENT: CalTrans

A unique Design-Build project, the CalTrans Fontana Maintenance Station, led by Stronghold Engineering and Gruen Associates, is designed to achieve operational efficiency, cost effectiveness, and sustainability goals.

The plant palette emphasizes California native, climate-adapted, and drought-tolerant plants that require a low level of maintenance and less water. The irrigation system features a smart controller for seasonally appropriate watering and subsurface drip lines to optimize water use.

The landscape design uses a visually interesting and layered approach of shrubs and groundcovers as well as an exquisite balance between pattern and a distinct informal layout for trees. Extensive infiltration basins ensure all site stormwater run-off will be treated, recharging aquifers while reducing soil erosion. Planting areas include the parking lot, infiltration basins, an interior courtyard, interstitial groundcover areas, and perimeter plantings to screen the property from adjacent properties.

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