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Planting Plan_edited.jpg



STATUS: Completed

CLIENT: Los Angeles World Airport

Delta occupies an aircraft maintenance facility in the pathway of the future Automated People Mover (APM) that Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is constructing as part of the Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP). To make way for the APM, Delta relocated its maintenance facility to World Way West, adjacent to Quantas Hanger Maintenance Facility.

YKD was retained to design the landscape around the new maintenance facility. Planting design in an active airport environment faced many restrictions including a limited tree palette due to LAWA’s safety requirement that prohibits tall trees; a harsh environment for plants constantly exposed to turbulence and exhaust; and compliance with Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). While selecting drought-tolerant and safety code compliant plants, YKD also pushed for creativity by looking into plants that will provide visual interest through flowering or foliage color to enliven the streetscape on World Way. Vines were planted along tall concrete retaining walls on the site to break the monolithic expanse and enhance the quality of the site.

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