STATUS: Under Construction/DSDC
CLIENT: Los Angeles County Metropolitan
Transportation Authority
The Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) Segment A is a 6.4-mile section of Metro owned Harbor Subdivision rail ROW in South Los Angeles from Crenshaw/LAX Fairview Heights Station to Alameda Street to the east. The plan for Segment A is to provide safe and improved pedestrian and bicycle access to major transit facilities and key destinations such as the Metro Crenshaw/ LAX Rail Transit Line, the Harbor Transitway, and the Metro Blue Line, and to bring communities to the ATC and public open spaces created in the Hyde Park neighborhood, the ROW between Normandie Avenue and Budlong Avenue, and the Blue Line Station.
YKD was retained by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) to lead the landscape design for both Preliminary Design and Advanced Design. During Preliminary Design, YKD assisted the design team with an intensive outreach program that involved several cities and historic neighborhoods. 30 percent design documents inlucded elements such as pedestrian walkways, bicycle paths, residential neighborhood activity zones, continuous tree allee, bio-swale, lighting, surveillance cameras, signage, benches, trash receptacles, exercise equipment, play equipment, security kiosk, restroom, and new crosswalks. The site’s placemaking elements are designed to provide visual interest, safety, and unity. All materials including plants were chosen for durability and unity with elements used throughout the project. The plant palette emphasizes drought tolerant and California native plants to create a sustainable landscape. Additionally, plants that require minimal maintenance and are suited for Low Impact Development (LID) planters are used as much as possible to achieve Metro stormwater sustainability goals.
In Advanced Design, YKD led finalization of site design including adjustment of the bike path and pedestrian path per site condition; customization of the security fence, gate, and knockout panel to provide future access point; boulder design for landscape area underneath freeway overpass; paving design and enlargements at mixing zone; Silva cell layout design; site furnishing placement and specification; landscape plan and irrigation plan.
Currently, the project is under construction and YKD is supporting Metro with Design Services During Construction. The western portion of the project began in October 2022 and will move east until it reaches Metro’s A Line Slauson Station.